Friday, February 1, 2013

The new Signature Series Watts Tattoo Machine

Child slaves are working their fingers to the bone
to bring you the very latest rotary machine from Wattstudios.
No expense has been spared. I've even forgone the electrical tape from the $2 shop
for the good stuff from Bunnings. You won't be disappointed.

Visit my non-existent but very cool online store for info.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Cool shit is everywhere.

Simon Watts Tattooing Masterclass 1: That big button on the floor

I'm going to start a series of Masterclass videos on Youtube to demonstrate my incredible skills as a tattooist in order to share my knowledge with the wider world and become hugely successful, famous and booked out for days in advance!!!!! Here's my first one. Tell me what you think. Then vote for me, then share me, then twitter, poke and gram me:)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Lesson for today. Look beyond Google

Photo by me. The one who works at www.